Friday, September 30, 2016

வாரம் 3: வீட்டுப்பாடம்

Please find the homework.
வாரம் 3: வீட்டுப்பாடம்

* Practice Text Book lessons 4 and 5
* Learn Lesson-6 வீட்டு விலங்குகள். Learn the names of the
animals and their sounds. Use the questions from the classwork as
    o NOTE: Questions will be asked in class and marks will be given based on answers given by students.
* Do Exercise Book பயிற்சி - 2
* Do Page 3 & 4 in Handwriting Book.
* Project 1 - Due on week 5.

Thank you,
Chandra & OOganthavalli

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Dear Parents,

Hope kids enjoyed the class. Below list is the home work for the kids. Please sit with them for about 30mins and help them practice. If you sit with them they will also get the interest to pick it up faster with lot more enthusiasm.

1. Practice Text Book lessons 2 and 3.

2. Do Page 1 & 2 in Handwriting Book.

3. Do Exercise Book பயிற்சி-1

4. Project 1 - Due on week 5(it is still due on Week 5 so please spend sometime with them way ahead of time)

Best Regards,
Chandrakumar Muthaiah and Ooganthavalli

Monday, September 12, 2016

Dear Parents,

Loganayaki and I welcome your children to first grade at NJ Tamil school. We will have a blast this year as the kids looks so bright and enthusiastic.

Books were distributed to those who have already paid the fees and registered the kids ahead of time.

All others (who have paid the fees) will get the books in next class - if not, please see Mr Senthilnathan / Mrs Shanthi / Mr Lakshmikanthan at the front desk.

School syllabus is available at

    Goto Parent Access > Child Resources Info, and click on the notebook icon at the right below the "Details" column.

    The syllabus consists of 6 projects for this this year due on every four/three weeks, monthly test and a final test.
1. Project: என் குடும்பம் ---- Due on Week 5.
2. Project: எண்கள் ---- Due on Week 9.
3. Project: காட்டு விலங்குகள் ---- Due on Week 12.
4. Project: பறைவகள் ---- Due on Week 17.
5. Project: காய்கறிகளும் அதன் நிறங்களும் ---- Due on Week 21.
6. Project: வாரத்தின் நாட்கள் ---- Due on Week 26

    Children will learn the following during this year of the school
  1. Letters/ Alphabet: உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள், மெய் எழுத்துக்கள்  மற்றும் உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக்கள்
  2. Read two letter Words.
  3. Differentiate long/short sounds
  4. Simple words with letters from core language.
  5. Simple Phrase reading
  6. Actions (walk, run, read, write, listen, etc), Weekdays, Numbers,
  7. relations, colors, body parts, vegetables, fruits, flowers, farm animals,
  8. wild animals, birds.
  9. Recite short rhymes.
  10. Ability to narrate short stories, answer simple questions and how to make simple conversation with others.

Also, there will be good focus on reading and comprehension.
By the completion of the 1st grade, they are expected to have learn  உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள், மெய் எழுத்துக்கள்  மற்றும் உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் and know their surroundings, actions and much more.

Attendance is very important and contributes to a good % of total score.

There will be home work and/or project on every week whenever there is a class.

    Please make sure that the children

    1. Come to the class on time, and use the restrooms before coming into class.
    2. Complete their homework every week.
    3. Bring two notebooks to class - one for classwork, one for homework.
    4. Bring sharpened and at least three pencils and one eraser

We will post the weekly homework before Tuesday at the blog: The blog will the main source of information for homework/projects.

First week's homework is already there! Please try to assist them in homework. Assisting your child takes only 30 min-1 hr a week, but it will have a profound impact on their learning. Feel free to reach me or Loganayaki if you have any questions.


o Practice Lesson 1 from Text book.
    Learn the name of the following relations in Tamil: Mother, father, grandpa, grandma and younger brother.

o Project 1 - என் குடும்பம் ( My Family): Due on Week 5 .

o Bring your family photo or draw pictures of them on a construction paper.
Be prepared before come to class and be able to explain who they are and what they do.
The students are exptected tell three or more sentences in Tamil.

For Example:

இது  என் அம்மா
என் அம்மாவின் பெயர் ...
என் அம்மா எனக்கு பாடம் சொல்லி தருவார்கள்
இது என் அப்பா
என் அப்பாவின் பெயர் ...
இது போல் அண்ணா, தம்பி, அக்காள், தங்கை மற்றும் தாத்தா பாட்டி

o Marks will be given based on how fluently the students can present their project in Tamil in the class.

Feel free to email or contact us if you have any questions.

Chandrakumar(732-725-5415) / Loganayaki (908-848-3783)